Tester Creama Énielle Serum (In inglese) - Soldissimi.it - Premi, cashback, omaggi

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    [Tester] Tester Creama Énielle Serum (In inglese)


    Become one of the first 1,000 testers to try out a new skincare innovation.

    For our test campaign, we are looking for women and men of all ages (minimum 18 years) to try out Énielle Serum for 30 days and provide us with their unique feedback.

    The closing date for applications is October 18th 2019.

    More information about the test campaign and any further instructions can be found in the Campaign Tasks page. You can also find updates and news about the campaign in the Campaign Blog.

    Fill in the application form below to join the campaign. From the applicants, 1,000 testers will be selected to receive a full-size sample to try out our Énielle Serum and give us their honest feedback.

    Terms of participation

    Terms of use & participation
    Participation in and use of the Énielle Wellcare Community is voluntary and free of charge for all participants. Anyone over the age of 18 can participate.

    All information provided by users in their profile, surveys and in the community must be truthful. Each participant may only create one profile at a time.

    By posting comments, ratings, user feedback, replies, reports or uploading photos and other content, the participant (user) grants Énielle AG the right of use, for unlimited time and free of charge, of all the content posted and uploaded on this website for marketing purposes (on social media, the Internet, in advertising campaigns, on packaging, etc.).

    In case of publication of users’ feedback, images or videos uploaded to this website, personal data such as names for these contents are anonymized, or – in case an alias/ username has been submitted in the profile - the alias/ username is used (example): 'Énielle has removed all red spots on my skin after only 2 weeks' (Laura H. / Dermatologist / Lala23).

    Ènielle AG will only publish users’ feedback, pictures or videos which have been released publicly by the users on the community platform. In all other cases, Énielle AG will ask the users for permission prior to using these contents. Participation in test activities and campaigns, as well as the use of Énielle products, is voluntary, not remunerated and is free of charge for the participant; it is not linked to an order or a subscription.

    The Énielle products provided free of charge are test samples and may not be resold to third parties. In case of non-compliance with the prohibition of resale, Énielle is entitled to claim damages from the infringer.

    In case of violation of the aforementioned terms of use and participation, Énielle can exclude the user from the community.



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